Other Stuff Update:-
I thought it would be good to add some colour to my blog, so I thought I would find some visuals for my various reading and listening recommendations.
First up, China Mieville
In my last post, I wasn't sure if the writer was a he or a she, well:

I don't think there is any room for doubt now!!! Not only does he look like he could beat the shit out of you, he is also very intelligent, reading his books that is already clear however, he has a first class degree and a Masters degree... Bastard!!!
So, the book, Perdio Street Station looks as below:

And I was very excited to learn that two sequels are available in the form of 'The Scar' and 'Iron Council' brilliant, that should keep me busy.
Okay, finally, Tom Baxter and Abbie Huxley's CDs look like this:

Check them all out...
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