Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Damien Rice fans are the best...

The guys and girls over at have started up a petition for me to open for Damo at some point in the future, how cool would that be!?!

So go on, go over there and register and put your name on the petition.

Actually, it was one guy who started it, Robbie, a cool guy with his own band who is looking to record an acoustic album in the near future, I have his demo on CD and it's great, check out and give his tunes a listen. Hopefully we can play some shows together and he is even thinking about coming to Jersey to record some tunes in Basement Records, as he liked the sound Simon Larbalestier captured for '...honey'.

Other news, an indie film maker in the States is considering some of my tunes for the soundtrack of his latest project. The movie is set in New Jersey and centres around a group of friends who travel to see the last Phish concert ever, lose their tickets and get into a few adventures as they try to make the show. The film maker is hoping to roll-out the movie at festivals across the States next year, watch this space and I will keep you up-to-date.

Also, I am thinking of entering the Rock Academy Chicago Rock Contest, but I'm not sure about it. Last year I won the Battle of the Bands with my mate Sean Conway and it was a lot of fun but some of the other bands were real dicks, big fish in a small pond and they took it soooooooo seriously.

If Phil, Alex G and Simon are up for it, why not enter a heat and blast out an original tune (you only get to play one song in each heat).

I'll have a think...



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