Monday, September 13, 2004

Quite busy these last few days.

Saturday I played at a charity gig for the Sudan Appeal along with loads of other musicians including Alex & Gareth from the Jackson Moody Band, Alex Glendining, Fergus, Humphrey and the front-man brother from Suzie's Field who is excellent and did a great version of 'The blower's daughter' on my request.

I played mostly covers apart from 'Sold' including 'Cannonball' (with Alex Moody doing a brilliant version of the radio remix on drums) 'She's only happy in the sun' by Ben Harper, 'Sail Away' and 'Volcano' to kick things off nicely with Alex G on drums.

Yesterday I played at the Watersplash and ended up as compare for half the night, nice to see Ali McGovern kicking out the jams including her brilliant original tune 'Salt Water' for all the surfers.

Medhi Padidar and Scott were playing and a shame I had to get home before hearing them.

Another highlight was newcomers Chops and Laura, playing some ballads including 'beautiful' by Christina Aguillera.

Solid performances too from Arleen, Daryl and Jim.

I love the eclectic mix you get at open mics and the audience at the Splash is always open to newbies getting up and is happy giving them support.

Tonight is the Acoustic Music Club at the Original Wine Bar in Bath Street so if I don't collapse I will head down there and play 'My Run' as it needs some polish and whatever else burst out.

Don't forget to check out the BBC Radio Session, links below:



At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey this is JT, just checking this comment thing works... I guess it does.


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