Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Radio session was great fun!!!

The interview was cool, chilled out and we had a laugh... I hope I don't come across like too much of a jackass!!!

I was asked about the music scene is Jersey, my influences, where I like to play, if I could choose one cover what would it be... I even plugged the Splash and the acoustic music club at the Original Wine Bar in Bath Street!!!

And of course I played a few tunes, live and unplugged in the studio, did 'Sold' a new tune called 'My Run' and a cover of Damo's 'Aimee' just for the Eskimo Friends!!!

Sold was dedicated to Lainey, who asked if I would play it, so there you go Finn... I aim to please my fan!!!

It's gonna be aired on bank holiday monday between 5pm-7pm but links to the full interview and live session will be available from my site and the BBC Website in due course, so don't worry if you miss it.

Kool and the Gang!!!


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