Monday, July 05, 2004

Open Mic at the Splash was just getting going when the manager decided to stop the music for the football!!! What? It was Portugal/Greece for F Sake!!!

Ah well, I was enjoying it too and managed to get Volcano and Sail Away out before the 90 minute break.

Ali McGovern turned up and sang with me on Volcano... It's always nice to sing with Ali she is great and does a decent Lisa Hannigan impression actually.

Had a family funeral today and it was grim... After all the usual stuff (which I am not a big fan of at all) they played this old love song that my uncle used to sing to my aunt and the whole place was in tears... Then my ma insisted on telling me what flowers she wanted on her coffin and it got me to thinking about what I would do... No praying and No Hymns by the way, I want everyone in the joint singing the Blower's Daughter and I want people telling funny stories about me and I want live music and dancing... Mebbe a live sex show!!! I dunno... But I felt so fake standing there pretending to pray and for a singer, I suck at Morning has broken, I felt like I was back at school mumbling the words or at least mouthing them in case I got shouted at!!!

Anyway, the OPEN MIC at the Original Winebar in Bath Street is on tonight and I will be there singing the saddest most heartbreaking songs I can dig up from the depths of my miserable soul... Wanna come ha ha ha?

Should be a good crowd actually, a few friends are gonna try and make it, including Laura, who also does a GREAT impression of Lisa on Volcano...


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