Tuesday, May 04, 2004

New Zealand in 3 days!!! Well, I leave in three days.

Some good news, it's a music and comedy festival in Auckland when I am there!!! Which explains why so many venues were booked up. The cool thing is, I should get a few people along to gigs and I get to see some other musicians playing whilst I am there... Awesome.

I am also a big fan of stand-up so I hope to see some shows.

Following Braden's advice (see discussion forum, where I posted Braden Merrick's review of 'Coockoo') I have sent copies of '...honey' to Nic at KCRW to the team at Kingsofar.com and to an interesting record label called Ruffworld.com, who were featured in our local newspaper last week. I thought it sounded a little scammy, but just look at the board!!! Ray Parker Jnr (Ghostbusters!!!) and the head honcho is responsible for Purple Rain!!!

Anyway, I am excited about playing live again, I was hoping to play once more in Jersey before I left, but Splash bailed on the open-mic, which is a shame.

Next update should come direct from New Zealand!!!

I should also have plenty of pictures taken at shows and on my adventures... Glow worm caves, hot natural spas and Hang Gliding.


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