Thursday, April 29, 2004

Oops, haven't updated this thing for a while, my bad.

My son has been ill, so I missed the Blue Note gig unfortunately but I have played the open-mics a few times and had a great time Sunday at the Splash. Did 'Sold', Volcano (Damien Rice) and If I could (Jason Mraz), Sail Away (David Gray) Cold Water (Damien Rice) and The Remedy (Jason Mraz).

I go to New Zealand next Saturday, I can't believe it... I have some rehearsing to do, especially as I will be playing more originals than I do over here.

Also been playing around with some new covers, I wanted to work on my own versions of popular tunes so have come up with a cool version of 'Sweet Child Of Mine' by G'n Roses and also 'Jeremy' by Pearl Jam (actually this was one of the first songs I ever learned to play many many years ago) but I will have to wait a few weeks to unleash them at the Splash. Also worked out 'Good Souls' by Starsailor which is fun to play.

I have loads of new originals that are half finished, a lot more up-beat than my usual stuff, sort of Jason Mraz meets Damien Rice with a bit of Goo Goo Dolls chucked in for a harder edge... So far I have written:

Don't we just make fools of ourselves
4 days
Sunburn (which is cool to play)
Pickin up (very funky in a Mraz sort of way)

I need to rough demo them before I forget them and then get Simon from Le Music Room to polish them up and get them recorded.

See Ya



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