Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Great fun at the Pierson Acoustic Music Club last night, jammed through a Jason Mraz, Damien Rice and original tune 'look out now' with Alex and Simon.

I really love Mondays at the Pierson, you get such a varied bunch of musicians and it is really fascinating to sit and watch some of these guys play, really inspiring. In any one night you may get blues, folk, flamenco, rock, ballads, alternative and of course Alex's repetoire of 'world music' rhythms is like a percussion atlas!!! I hope the new management opt to keep them going, last night was a bit of a beauty parade to try and win their support... Good luck to the club.

I had to shoot off, which is a shame as I missed Richard's version of 'Cannonball' and I like the chilled out vibe at the Pierson. Duty called, so I did my set, watched Tommy (used to front Alibi), who still has a brilliant voice then hi-assed out of there.

Other news... The BBC Website have put me on their homepage today http://www.bbc.co.uk/jersey/ so check it out...

Feedback from the entertainment producer who has been supporting me for a while now, is that he likes '...honey' and we are trying to arrange a live set in the radio studio, which will be great fun... I'd love to get Alex, Phil and Simon in there but not sure there is enough room... Nice to do acoustic versions now and again anyway though.

Surreal moment of the week: Walking into work and seeing posters for the album launch all over the place...


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