I have decided not to play next Tuesday at the Chicago Rock, Rock Academy thing, it's just not me. Feedback from a musician who played there last week, indicates it is more of a karaoke showdown, the sound is shit, you get no soundcheck and get to play one song... That's a lot of gear and hassle for one song... No thanks.
I hope the Jackson Moody Band go on and win the thing, but somehow the fact that they are talented and play their own tunes to me, in a karaoke competition, actually goes against them. But I still think they should win it.
My flash fiction story 'Common Sense' has made it to round 2 of the selection process for Andromeda Spaceways, fingers crossed. I would love to crack ASIM (Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine) on my first attempt. Hell, making it to round 3 (the editors' round) would do for my first go.
Still waiting to hear from The 3rd Alternative re my Pigeon inspired weirdness called 'The Medium is the Message'.
I will be putting up any previously published work at my Website soon, so watch this space. Um, that only means that 3 will be available so far, but I will update it after stories are accepted and published. Publish credits:
Worms ~ First published @ Writers, A Literary Journal
The only constant ~ First published in Here & Now Magazine
Arthur's Tavern ~ First published in LEGEND Magazine
Choices ~ Will appear in Here & Now Magazine Issue 5, October 2004
I don't want to post 'It's good to be back' as I don't think it deserves to be, even though it was my first money earning acceptance, $23 Canadian if I recall correctly, from Dragon Soup!!!
Also, 'The preparation Man' won a competition to appear in a crime anthology but I withdrew it to submit it to Crimewave and sadly it was rejected, but I am hoping for it to appear somewhere else one day so cannot include it for download.
Other Stuff:-
I just have to mention the incredible book I am reading at the moment 'Perdido Street Station' by China Mieville, it is fantastic!!! The most imaginative and original book I have ever read. The characters, creatures and plots are amazing , it's a massive book but well worth the investment of time, I will be looking up his/her(?) other work.
Still listening to Tom Baxter and Abbie Huxley, I can't recommend their albums enough if you love singer/songwriter folky, rock/pop ala Jeff Buckley, Damien Rice, David Gray et al.
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