Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Champ & Chump Blog

The Champ and The Chump series, now has its own blog HERE.

I am hoping to get guest contributors to rival-up movies, actors, tv shows, comics, you name it... possible future posts include:

The Rock 'V' Vin Diesel
Batman 'V' Superman
Steve Buscemi 'V' Tim Roth
Gary Oldman 'V' Daniel Day Lewis
Tom Cruise 'V' Brad Pitt
Kiefer Sutherland 'V' Kevin Bacon
Grunge 'V' Rock
Orlando Bloom 'V' A Sweaty Sock
FarScape 'V' Babylon 5
The Internet 'V' Girlfriends
Jason Mulgrew 'V' Letter D
Wanking 'V' Real Sex

It goes on and on...

Search Terms

People found this blog this week with terms such as:

does james blunt have a girlfriend... how the fuck should I know?

fairwell to a mate... could you be more specific?

ninjas killed my family, need money for kung-fu lessons... awesome!

ethiopia girl rescued by lions... it's true!

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