Thursday, September 30, 2004

Other Stuff Update:-

I thought it would be good to add some colour to my blog, so I thought I would find some visuals for my various reading and listening recommendations.

First up, China Mieville

In my last post, I wasn't sure if the writer was a he or a she, well:

I don't think there is any room for doubt now!!! Not only does he look like he could beat the shit out of you, he is also very intelligent, reading his books that is already clear however, he has a first class degree and a Masters degree... Bastard!!!

So, the book, Perdio Street Station looks as below:

And I was very excited to learn that two sequels are available in the form of 'The Scar' and 'Iron Council' brilliant, that should keep me busy.

Okay, finally, Tom Baxter and Abbie Huxley's CDs look like this:

Check them all out...



I have decided not to play next Tuesday at the Chicago Rock, Rock Academy thing, it's just not me. Feedback from a musician who played there last week, indicates it is more of a karaoke showdown, the sound is shit, you get no soundcheck and get to play one song... That's a lot of gear and hassle for one song... No thanks.

I hope the Jackson Moody Band go on and win the thing, but somehow the fact that they are talented and play their own tunes to me, in a karaoke competition, actually goes against them. But I still think they should win it.


My flash fiction story 'Common Sense' has made it to round 2 of the selection process for Andromeda Spaceways, fingers crossed. I would love to crack ASIM (Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine) on my first attempt. Hell, making it to round 3 (the editors' round) would do for my first go.

Still waiting to hear from The 3rd Alternative re my Pigeon inspired weirdness called 'The Medium is the Message'.

I will be putting up any previously published work at my Website soon, so watch this space. Um, that only means that 3 will be available so far, but I will update it after stories are accepted and published. Publish credits:

Worms ~ First published @ Writers, A Literary Journal
The only constant ~ First published in Here & Now Magazine
Arthur's Tavern ~ First published in LEGEND Magazine

Choices ~ Will appear in Here & Now Magazine Issue 5, October 2004

I don't want to post 'It's good to be back' as I don't think it deserves to be, even though it was my first money earning acceptance, $23 Canadian if I recall correctly, from Dragon Soup!!!

Also, 'The preparation Man' won a competition to appear in a crime anthology but I withdrew it to submit it to Crimewave and sadly it was rejected, but I am hoping for it to appear somewhere else one day so cannot include it for download.

Other Stuff:-

I just have to mention the incredible book I am reading at the moment 'Perdido Street Station' by China Mieville, it is fantastic!!! The most imaginative and original book I have ever read. The characters, creatures and plots are amazing , it's a massive book but well worth the investment of time, I will be looking up his/her(?) other work.

Still listening to Tom Baxter and Abbie Huxley, I can't recommend their albums enough if you love singer/songwriter folky, rock/pop ala Jeff Buckley, Damien Rice, David Gray et al.



Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Music News :-

Playing at Chicago Rock Cafe next Tuesday with full band (Alex G, Phil Jackson and Simon Larbalestier) PLUS I am really hoping to have Ali McGovern on guest vocals.

Also handed my CD to someone who works for a record label, who just happened to be over in Jersey for a wedding.

I sent about twenty CDs off to Eskimo Friend dwellers all over the world last week and it seems that they have arrived. By the way, I am not marketing to Alaska, Eskimo Friends is a Damien Rice Website. A few people have sent me emails to say they really like it, which is cool. Those who are silent I am taking it that they don't like it ;-)

I must chase up Channel TV, I still haven't got my studio session on VHS yet, I really want to watch that and put it up at my Website. Gah, TV celebs, they are so on the 'me program'!!!

Writing News:-

Sent some stories out to Andromeda Spaceways and The Third Alternative and just touched base with Trevor Denyer, who is the editor and driving force behind classic fiction mags LEGEND and ROADWORKS. Sadly these publications are no longer going but he is now running Midnight Street, which publishes horror, fantasy and sci fi fiction. The mag is named after the David Gray lyric in 'This year's love' which must be a sign!!! And no Pigeons hitting me on the back of the head!!! See earlier posts if you have no idea what I am talking about.

Other News:-

Tom Baxter ~ Feather and Stone is my recommended album of the month. It is fantastic, if you like singer/songwriter types, this is for you. His vocals are a cross between Jeff Buckley and David Gray and believe me when I say that the guy can sing. 'My Declaration', the opening track is a classic goosebump raising builder, as he switches from a falsetto chorus to simply belting it out in a groin straining key. I sang this tune last night at the Acoustic Music Club and nearly passed out!!! But I think the crew enjoyed it.

Talking of last night, a new talent on the open mic scene is Mike Painter (I think, I am going on my memory, which is a sure way to get things wrong). Mike played three original tunes and I really enjoyed them, nice lyrics and an original voice, very american, sort of a cross between Finley Quay (I know I spelled that wrong!!!) and Jack Johnson, excellent stuff. He is also a shy humble guy who has no idea just how good he is... Which is refreshing, I usually meet arrogant, nob heads who have no idea how shit they are!!! Only joking. Well done Mike, you were brilliant.

Abbie Huxley. Now, this guy is a blast from the past for me. I found his CD at Garageband because he was number one in the pop/rock charts for so long. A real Jeff Buckley-esque singer/songwriter with extraordinary vocal skills, not to mention a fine musician on numerous intruments. His EP P.O.P Red is astounding, especially 'Quicksilver' and 'Humble Pie'. Anyway, he turned up on my iPod the other day when I had a go at the Random setting, and I am a fan all over again. He has an amazing new Website at and I urge you to check it out and download some of his tunes.

Well, that's enough ramblin' from me, take care ~ JT

Friday, September 24, 2004

Most of you probably didn't know that apart from writing music, I am also a keen writer of fiction. I don't think Stephen King needs to worry about me taking his throne any time soon but I have been published a few times and have had stories in LEGEND and Here & Now Magazine.
I had some great news today, Here & Now are going to publish another of my short stories later in the year.

I am a huge fan of horror and fantasy novels and it is these genres in which I usually experiment. Most of my short stories are strange tales bordering on horror or at least include a horror/fantastic element. My latest publishing success however, can be classed as Spec Fiction or Science Fiction. There are no aliens or robots mind you, just a play around with quantum physics and inter-dimensional travel.

Whatever genre and whatever topic I write about, characters are the most important element for me, it's how these characters, people like you and me, react to these strange and fantastic situations, which make writing fun.

Anyway, I am writing a novel-length fantasy/horror tale and working on short stories all the time so I will also update this blog on writing news when I get it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Damien Rice fans are the best...

The guys and girls over at have started up a petition for me to open for Damo at some point in the future, how cool would that be!?!

So go on, go over there and register and put your name on the petition.

Actually, it was one guy who started it, Robbie, a cool guy with his own band who is looking to record an acoustic album in the near future, I have his demo on CD and it's great, check out and give his tunes a listen. Hopefully we can play some shows together and he is even thinking about coming to Jersey to record some tunes in Basement Records, as he liked the sound Simon Larbalestier captured for '...honey'.

Other news, an indie film maker in the States is considering some of my tunes for the soundtrack of his latest project. The movie is set in New Jersey and centres around a group of friends who travel to see the last Phish concert ever, lose their tickets and get into a few adventures as they try to make the show. The film maker is hoping to roll-out the movie at festivals across the States next year, watch this space and I will keep you up-to-date.

Also, I am thinking of entering the Rock Academy Chicago Rock Contest, but I'm not sure about it. Last year I won the Battle of the Bands with my mate Sean Conway and it was a lot of fun but some of the other bands were real dicks, big fish in a small pond and they took it soooooooo seriously.

If Phil, Alex G and Simon are up for it, why not enter a heat and blast out an original tune (you only get to play one song in each heat).

I'll have a think...


Monday, September 13, 2004

Quite busy these last few days.

Saturday I played at a charity gig for the Sudan Appeal along with loads of other musicians including Alex & Gareth from the Jackson Moody Band, Alex Glendining, Fergus, Humphrey and the front-man brother from Suzie's Field who is excellent and did a great version of 'The blower's daughter' on my request.

I played mostly covers apart from 'Sold' including 'Cannonball' (with Alex Moody doing a brilliant version of the radio remix on drums) 'She's only happy in the sun' by Ben Harper, 'Sail Away' and 'Volcano' to kick things off nicely with Alex G on drums.

Yesterday I played at the Watersplash and ended up as compare for half the night, nice to see Ali McGovern kicking out the jams including her brilliant original tune 'Salt Water' for all the surfers.

Medhi Padidar and Scott were playing and a shame I had to get home before hearing them.

Another highlight was newcomers Chops and Laura, playing some ballads including 'beautiful' by Christina Aguillera.

Solid performances too from Arleen, Daryl and Jim.

I love the eclectic mix you get at open mics and the audience at the Splash is always open to newbies getting up and is happy giving them support.

Tonight is the Acoustic Music Club at the Original Wine Bar in Bath Street so if I don't collapse I will head down there and play 'My Run' as it needs some polish and whatever else burst out.

Don't forget to check out the BBC Radio Session, links below:


Friday, September 10, 2004


Here is the Interview and my version of Damien Rice's Amie, live and unplugged:

Here is my live and unplugged version of 'Sold' from my album '...honey'

And finally, here is a new tune recorded for the first time, 'My Run'... I hope you enjoy them...


Update, thanks to Google!!!

I quote:
"Besides that, doves and pigeons mate for life and therefore were used as a symbol of "fidelity." Hence, these two birds have become the most endearing symbols of the spirit of valentines day."

Not so endearing when it twats you on the back of your head!!!

So, either this was God reminding me of what I have, and rather that having a flock of white doves fly over me as I kiss my Girlfriend, so strong in his opinion (God that is), he bitch slaps me upside the head with a carcass of a pigeon to drive home his point.

Or, my relationship is in so much trouble, God takes a symbol of love and fidelity and cracks it into my skull to make his point... "Is she the one Lord?" I ask... TWAT!!! "Here's your sign Jackass, have a dead Pigeon... It's not like I'm f***ing busy or anything, write a song about it music boy," replied God.

You decide

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I will update you all shortly on the 'Pigeon Incident'!!!

But I just wanted to let you all know that it is now possible to post your own comments within my Blog and you can email entries to anyone you like too...

So go on...

Monday, September 06, 2004



So I'm crossing the street after buying some fresh fruit, when something heavy hits me on the back of my head, almost knocking me over!!! I thought at the time that one of my friends had thrown something at me and I remember being angry thinking it was a bit of a hard throw... Not to mention accurate. So I look around the floor to find whatever it was that had hit me and do you know what it was?

The carcass of a bloody great pigeon!!! Yep, bleeding and quite dead, probably attacked by some of our local giant seagulls!!! I'm not sure if it fell from a roof or from the sky itself but the thing twatted me on the back of my head!!! A passer by came over to check I was okay and pulled some of the thingss feathers from my hair and informed me that I had its blood on my shirt... And how was your day!?!

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