Thursday, May 25, 2006

FESTIVAL on Sunday...

Head to Les Relais des Mielles, L’Etacq, St Ouens Bay from 12:00 - 01:00 on 28 May for a day of top music including seven live performances and five DJ sets - entry is free.

On the Main Stage there will be live performances by Coast to Coast, Jackson Moody Band, The Experience, Martha High, Justin Thorne, Kevin Pallot, Paul Bisson.

There will also be DJ sets from Insole, Johnny Cabassa, Fistfull of Soul and LC.

For those of you not up to the sound of the live bands, or the faster DJ sets, there will be a special Geodome Chillout Area where you can catch Dj Sephira (Glade / Sunrise Festival).
The Way Out West festival is on Sunday 28 May from 12:00 until 01:00 and entry is free.


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