Justin Thorne News!!!
Tunes, Gigs, TV, Radio, Studio... All the latest... If I 'pull' Christina Aguillera or punch Liam Gallagher in the face, it's HERE I'll tell you all about it...
Friday, November 25, 2005
Thursday, November 17, 2005
We have a winner!.. and a new tune.
Okay, in the past I have talked about some of the strange search terms that have directed search engine users to my Website, right? For example, if you typed 'Justin Thorne' into Google, the first site that comes up is my official site... I have my fair share of the first hundred or so results for 'Justin Thorne'... it makes sense.
Sometimes, the strange, bizarre and just plain weird, can direct users to my site, often with very little or nothing whatsoever to do with me! Personally, I didn't think it would be possible to top 'Wank my son' as a strange search term... what the hell was he or she looking for!?!
But, ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a new winner. Last night, somebody found their way here, by searching in Google for 'Rambo fucks Conan'.
Now... if you have been living on the moon for the last twenty years, you are in your teens or are just not up to speed with popular culture, let me break it down:
The person was looking for this guy -

humping this guy -

Other than Jason Mulgrew humping... well, anyone! That is possibly the worst mental image I have had this week (I have a lot).
And I've written a new tune called 'Your name', which I really like.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Hey, hey...
Sorry I have been shunning my blog, it's bad form I know, but I've been hooked on 'MySpace' lately! If you hang out there, make sure to add me... the New York version of 'Sold' is there too if you fancy hearing some tunes.
Making some progress on the music, I have loads of new tunes written and I'll be going into Basement Records very soon to record live-take versions so I can send them off to NYC for Tommy and Paul to get some ideas.
I'm making headway on finding financial support for the trip to New York and I'm talking to some management companies, which all looks good.
I have some shows this month in Jersey; I'm playing @ Fridays (yes that is the name of the bar... Fridays) on Wednesday, supporting Fergus and on the 26th November, I am playing on the middle floor in the Live Lounge, for their charity gig, the 24-hour JamFest... come and support it, three floors of bands, mellow acoustic dudes like me, and full on rockers... something for everyone!
Last night was cool at the Splash, I played ten tunes and got chatting to Derrin Nauendorf and Pete Cornelius, two mind-blowing guitarists and singer-songwriters, whilst Fergus kicked out the jams.
I have an amazing new press kit, which will be available to download at my site soon... thanks to my talented mate, Harry... cheers man.