So, I am waiting for the next results for my MSc in Marketing, and have a deadline for part three. (I got a distinction for part one).
The last essay before the big dissertation and it's a peach!
Basically, the weekend at Moor Hall in Cookham, was all about post modernism and of course, post modern marketing. Actually pretty fascinating, as basically the academics believe everything you learn from the Chartered Institute of Marketing, to be a big old pile of shit! Quite ironic since we were studying in the institute's rather plush HQ!
But then post modernism is all about irony, satire, piss taking and in-jokes, so it worked out quite well.
Anway, the last essay (20 credits) is asking the question, 'how marketing savvy are consumers, and what is the impact on marketing theory?' To get extra marks, you are welcome to write it up in a post modern style. It could be in the shape of a story, a song... whatever... oh thank you GOD!
So, I am writing the 'Freaks & Geeks Manifesto', which is basically a rant from consumers of genre fantasy to the publishers. Of course I do the whole academic referencing thing on post modernism, marketing savvy consumers and marketing theory, but much more fun is to rant on about source credibility, blogs, discussion forums and the unbelievable cack, publishers still put on the covers of fantasy novels... Unless you are Gary Wassner or Scott Bakker, in which case you have some control about what represents your heart and soul creation.
It is incredibly good fun and I am laughing out loud as I write the thing. My dissertation will be on a similiar theme, but more focussed. Basically I am going to look at what influences the buying decision for consumers of genre literature because I believe recommendations via the new media is a huge factor these days in this post-modern, any idiot can own a blog, era.
The dissertation is 20,000 words and most of the other students are quite daunted by this... in writing mode, I used to bang out 1000 words a day! We have until April 2006!
Yes, I truly am, quite literally... a gentleman and scholar!
Interesting submission acceptance recently, although I have a few things to iron out with the editors. A publication, which asks for two pieces of work from any submitting author, poet or artist, on a common theme selected by the author. Both pieces get published in the same issue... they loved one of my tales and didn't think the other was bad, they just want to love both... so I have to find another one that they might love to get both accepted... not a bad little challenge and getting two sales in one go is a pretty mouthwatering prospect!
This is one of the best (non-genre) books I have ever read!
Buy it as soon as possible. Gorman is an incredibly talented and witty writer, I was laughing out loud during the two days it took me to read this book... much to the annoyance of the other train, coach and plane passengers... but fuck 'em, if I have to breathe in their farts and coughs, they can listen to my laughter!

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