Thursday, June 02, 2005

Funny Blogs 1

This is awesome... very funny... but maybe you have to like comics (or used to like) to fully appreciate it.

Basically, it's a look at comic book covers and strips way, way, WAY before anyone even thought of becoming PC!

There is also a great gallery on why Superman is a dick... with evidence in the form of covers. Here is a good example!

Woah, now if you're gonna date a psycho stalker... life is REALLY a bitch if they happen to have super powers!

But my favorite gallery, is the 'seduction of the innocent' gallery... with examples of innocent comic book covers and contents that you just COULD NOT GET PRINTED today... I am still laughing.

Here is an example:

Yes it is sweetheart... for GOD's sake close your mouth!!!

Heh heh heh...

By the way, I'm gonna post links to a few funny blogs out there... apart from catching up on blogs from musicians and authors I respect, most of my time is spent reading genius funny blogs.

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