Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Academic Bits N Bobs...

I've just delivered an introduction on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the new edition of Oxford University Press' Principles of Marketing text book.

I'm also working on a new academic article on online communities called Online Community Interaction: Revolution or Revulsion? for the 4th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications... now that's a mouthful! My Abstract has been submitted, I just need to write the actual paper now! Eek!

There's also talk of me contributing a chapter on Online Networking and Communities for a new academic text on the new media but details are thin on the ground at the moment.

Just in case you missed it, check out my recent interview with UK SF Book News where we discussed my new book and the synergies between writing fiction and music.

Also, finally, the boxes of my new CD, Live @ Jersey Arts Centre will be delivered any day and to mark the launch, I am playing in the Main Theatre of the Arts Centre on the 4th May! Tickets are available from the box office or online (from next week) It'd be great to see you all there!



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