Remember this? Buy it mofo...And I forgot to post aaaaaaages ago, the brilliant Postcards and Posters, which my good friend, Harry, developed for me. Harry put together the CD sleeve and the CD artwork, using the brilliant Abby Goldsmith illustrations of 'Big Fat Monster Girl' and 'Pinky'.POSTCARD HERE, and POSTER HERE
Huge thanks to Jane Delmer over at the Evening Post for the news article about me on Wednesday.
This is the third article Jane has written following interviews with me, the first one back in April talked about my impending trip to New York to record my original tune 'Sold' with Maroon 5 producer and musician, Tommy Allen, and awesome musician Paul Carbonara (Blondie, The Mudlarks, Mary McBride).
The second article in May, covered my session in New York and broke the news that a number of possible engineers could be working on 'Sold', two possibilities were the guy who mixes the Coldplay albums... or Ed Stasium (complete Legend).
And so to Wednesday's article.
Basically, Ed Stasium is working on the track (should be finished next week!) Ed is a multi-platinum and Grammy award winning producer and has worked with hundreds of artists including Freddie Mercury, Biohazrd, Living Color, Mick Jagger, The Ramones and on and on...
I keep in touch with Tommy regularly and a few weeks ago I asked him what was next for the tune in relation to record labels. The fact is, no label is going to give me a deal based on one tune, so Tommy has suggested that I go back to NYC to work on a further four or five original tunes and produce an EP... that we can then turn into a proper label presentation.
This is a huge deal. Another chance to work with world-class musicians and a top producer. But, I need to cover studio time so I need to find funding to the tune of 10K if this is to happen.
Jane's article was sort of an appeal to see if there are any sponsors or trusts out there that fund artists and musicians.
No offers yet, but within an hour of the paper being on the stands, the BBC called and want me to go into the studio for an interview and maybe to play live. Also, if the song is available they may play that on the air too... superb!
It was also very, very cool to see me getting a mention over at the official Blondie Website... Check it out HERE.
So... anyone got 10k lying around?
CaC... Money...
Champ & ChumpTwo new posts over at Champ & Chump, Corey Haim 'V' Corey Feldman and Hugh Jackman 'V' Russell Crowe.Check it out and comment...MoneyNo gigs lined up and I am staying away from Open Mics for a while. I got an email from Tommy and it looks like I will need to try and find funding in the tune of £10k plus travel expenses if I want to record the 4/5 song EP in New York.I still haven't heard 'Sold' yet, but Tommy tells me I will flip when I hear Ed Stasium's mix!!!
Splash... Champ & Chump... War of the Worlds
Open mic was pretty good on Friday at The Watersplash. I turned up late and caught a guy and gal singing Cold Water by Damien Rice and it was pretty fuckin good, although the girl was much better than the guy.A young guy called 'G' got up and started beat boxing and it was awesome. Then a dude got up and started rapping, making lyrics up as he went along and the whole place was jumping.Kev Pallot and Bob Vincent were up next as The Big Hellos, and went down really well with their blend of tribal rhythms and singer/songwriter vocals. I opened with Volcano with Ali McGovern and her old bandmate Damien on drums and played five or six tunes to a pretty busy Splash. Ali did her own set with my fave of her original tunes 'Salt Water'.
Champ & Chump
Sho Kosugi 'V' Jean-Claude Van Damme over at Champ & Chump is my favorite one yet!!!
War of the Worlds
Pretty decent movie that gets underway with the action almost straight away, which is impressive for a two-hour movie. Next up at Champ and Chump is Tom Cruise 'V' Brad Pitt.