The Latest...
It was an amazing weekend, the launch at Waterstones was awesome (photos soon), thanks to everyone who made the effort to come down, and of course, massive thanks to those of you who bought a copy of the book. There was a nice mix of friends and family and people I have never met before - although I am a little worried at how many youngsters turned up with my book to sign - I hope I don't corrupt any kids!
Big thanks to my publisher, Thomas Sigel for coming over from the States to help make the event such a success.
Here's a breakdown of press, reviews and interviews:
BBC Radio Interview on the launch, music, the creative process and online communities - HERE>>>
BBC TV Interview on the book, complete with eery close-ups of my evil eyes and sinister crotch! - HERE>>>
UKSFBookNews Interview on the synergies between writing fiction and music - HERE>>>
Official SFFWORLD review of the book - HERE>>>
Brian Malone's review - HERE>>>