UpdateGood session last night at the new format (brainchild of Bob Vincent) Groovy Tuesdays at The Moody Blues.
The idea is, to have three live acts playing about 30-45 minute sets and in-between to play some classic vinyl. Pretty cool idea, especially when Tracy Chapman and Leonard Cohen records are adorning the walls of the place.
Bob opened the show with some folk/tribal tunes then Paul Bisson picked and plucked some great roots/blues tunes, including my fave 'Euphoria'.
I went on with 4 originals (Mellowdrama, When we fall, Cold River & Sold) and then at Bob's request, played Damien Rice's 'Delicate' for the first time in ages... it was a bit ropey and I forgot the damn words to the last verse, but it was okay. Last tune of the night was another Damo... Volcano. Thanks to Alex who turned up to play percussion.
Kev Pallot turned up to complete the BIG HELLOS line-up and played some great stuff, including Evolved (Balanced), which features on their imminent new CD...
JEP FeatureNot sure if it will appear in FRIDAY EXTRA this week, but I had an interview with Jane Delmar from the Jersey Evening Post about my New York trip in May. Jane is lovely and we had a good chat and on Monday I met Richard the photographer down at Corbiere for my CHEEZY, moody shots... we shall see how much of a nob I look!
James BluntI have to recommend this fantastic album 'Back to Bedlam' by James Blunt. A cross between David Gray and Jason Mraz, this guy is a brilliant singer/songwriter. I will be playing a couple of his tunes soon, once I've figured them out. 'You're Beautiful' in particular is awesome. His voice may put some off, but in my opinion his debut is better than many out there... it shunted Ray Lamontagne out of my CD player...

Cool story too... he was playing in a bar in LA and Linda Perry (used to sing in 4nonblondes) happened to be having a few drinks and asked him if he fancied recording in her LA studio... nice one.