Monday, November 29, 2004

Played a fairwell gig for my mate Gregarious at THE BAR on the Waterfront last Sunday, which was cool. Only an hour of tunes gig but I showcased by VOX wah wah pedal on a few songs, and that was great fun!!!

Gig this SUNDAY AT BONDS!!! 6-8pm... Come and chill out.

Great article about me and ...honey in GALLERY appearing in December.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Gig was great fun on Friday, not too busy but nice and intimate, a few friends and few passers by.

I played two hours straight and my fingers paid the price, but it was nice to get in some new original tunes, including 'I'm so cold, son' which should get good when I have absorbed it a bit, I was reading the lyrics from a sheet of paper by my feet!!!

The Splash gig was great, but the summer is definitely over, not many surfer dudes around and it was quiet, but sometimes it's nice, you can play tunes like 'Iris' and 'The blower's daughter' and the audience are actually listening.


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