Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Alright, I'm going up in the world...

Friday I am going to Royal Ascot... Why, I have no idea.

Actually I do have a good idea why, some good friends have been kind enough to invite my girlfriend and I to their 'corporate hospitality' event on the last day of Ascot. My girlfriend is delighted, it is just her cup of tea and quite frankly if something makes that angel smile and gets her into a sexy dress I'm all for it man!!!

We go Friday and come back just-in-time for the Splash open mic on Sunday, I am thinking of playing Amie and maybe one of my new tunes called 'the me program', inspired in part by an expression the sexy, dress wearing, angel above uses, and my mate's partner who is so on the me program she... Well, deserves her own bloody song.

Here are the lyrics:

The 'me' program

searching for the woman you were before, before this nightmare
hoping, clutching at straws because I miss you so bad
feeling every word that you fire at me, are you happy?
guilty, even though it was you who gave in, so hard done by

cold scene, with you touching this new thing, drives me crazy
crawling, over every word you didn't mean, did you ever mean it

I have a feeling that I was blind now you're gone, but I feel so lost now
would you prefer it if I stayed under, while you moved on or are you so far gone, into the me program

one thing, was to lie but now you seem to want me to shrivle up
using, what I care for the most to hurt me, are you so low?
abusing, how I feel for your own end, are you happy?
breaking, news for you baby, I will survive



Oh yea, and just in case anyone forgot, BUY THIS:

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Played at the Watersplash open mic on Sunday, great fun.

The Professor
Cold Water
I'd do anything
The Remedy
Sail Away

A guy got up, I think he was from South America, and knocked the roof off with funky tunes. His mate did beat-box and it was great, I had to go on after him, which was fun!

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