Friday, February 27, 2004

So, I am back in Basement Records collaborating with Simon Larbalestier on some new tunes... Simon produced '...honey' and played all the string and piano sounds you can hear on the album. A talented songwriter in his own right, I am looking forward to coming up with some new tunes over the coming months/years/decades ;-)

UPDATE on Discussion Forum, if you are wondering why you can't get in, proboards are having problems with their DNS registration, try going to THIS ONE instead for a while, I'll let you know when the old one is back online...



So welcome to my new NEWS section...

A bit easier than going to the Discussion Forum although I will still update that too...

So next Friday I am in the TV studio playing two live tracks... Probably 'the other side' and 'like home' but depends on how I feel on the day...

On the 26th March it's the official '...honey' launch party at Palmers... A live set followed by the Morroccan Roll DJs playing into the small hours.

New York mini-tour is gaining momentum, I am just waiting to hear back from the 'C' Note Bar, then I can start putting dates down and of course, can agree dates with Bar 55...

'...honey' should be here any day!!!

This seems like the easiest way to keep you guys up-to-date...

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